Green Home Automation
Go Green
Home automation technology is quickly becoming as synonymous with sustainability as it is with convenience. Incorporating t technology into a new or existing structure makes it easier to reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint (impact on the environment) a home or business creates. Over the past 50 years, actions such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have led to increased greenhouse gases and the deterioration of our natural resources. Today, environmental onsibility is now everyone’s responsibility, and by simply doing part, we can save money and add convenience to your home. With an abundance of new, easy-to-install home automation and green products readily available, it is as simple as ever to create a quality living environment, while going green at the same time.
Home Automation – Save Energy, Save MoneyHome electronic products use energy when they’re off to power features like clock displays and remote controls. U.S. households spend $100 per year to power devices while they are in this “standby” power mode. Products that have earned the ENERGY STAR use less energy to perform these functions, while providing the same performance and features as conventional models. Using less energy preserves energy resources and the risks of global warming while saving money on energy bills. Earning the ENERGY STAR means a product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. For TVs, it means they save energy both in standby and active (when they’re on) modes. |